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Multifunctional pavement regeneration repairing vehicle application and regeneration technique repairing road surface

In order to improve the quality of highway maintenance, and to effectively deal with the pavement failure, the high road sub branch in the current conservation work to focus on the application and promotion of pavement recycling technology.

In recent days, the Bureau for the custody of the national, provincial highway asphalt pavement appeared pits, wave, net crack, rutting of pavement, the mobilization of milling machine, surface hot regeneration repairing vehicle, road roller etc. mechanical equipment repair. It is reported that hot asphalt pavement recycling technology is in thermal state the asphalt old material and new mines, regeneration agent and new asphalt mixed with synthetic mixture, then on the pavement to be repaired. Compared with the traditional patching process by is the biggest advantage of this technology, can exploit the plane out of the old pavement material again, so as to save the cost, reduce the energy consumption.

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